Robyn's Happy to Care
Sponsoring Education and Life

Welcome at Robyn's
Happy to Care
Sponsoring Site

About me

For the next Generation

Steps for a better future

Supporting Schools

Schools need buildings and educated teachers. With your support we can help schools to be established.

Supporting Transportation

Children often ar far away from good education. by organizing transportation in rural aereas we help to bring them to school.

Supporting Materials

Learning materials are essential. Even used books and teching materials help a lot to give children a chance.

Supporting School Meals

Enough calories for a goodconcentration and for motivation parents to send their kids to school. You can support us.

The Idea

We bring the help directly to the projects. No big organiosation in between. Volunteer helpers in place do the rest.

Sponsoring 100%
How it works!

Many good organisations in this world work hard to give a good support all over the world. But the bigger they are, the bigger the projects can be and of course the higher the costs are.

I support small and efficient projects. The organisational costs are payed by myself. 100% of your donation arrives and I can prove it. Some of the donors have visited the projects themselves to see what happened to their money.

Education makes our World a better Place

Education is the basis for understanding the world. A good understanding helps to create tolerance and respect for each other. With education we can overcome national and religious barriers and hopefully take part in a peace creating process in this world.

Opportunities where there was no hope

Many children in crisis regions or in poor areas have no chance to come close to a good education or they lose family members who cared for them.

I support orphans and children from poor families or try to set up better education in rural areas. My projects are as small or big as your donations are.
Learn more

Strong together because kids need help

Our Projects and how it works

Why 100% of your money arrives and why our idea is outstanding

I have worked many years for international organisations in Asian and African countries. I have seen so much suffering always the children are the victims of conflicts, war and poverty. Growing up as an orphan myself I know how it felt to be left over as a child, how to be ignored or to be abandoned. I learned reading and writing only when I was 14 and later had the luck to get arround in many helping projects by the family who found me more or less in the streets of Asia.

Many of the projects I was involved in had to be dealing with children and young people. Some even lead me to mine clearing and to other exceptions projects. My husband from UK brought me to more projects arround people support in this world. As a mother of two own children I carried on and created my own little  projects.

Nowadays I work in many different ways to get the money and donations that are going into my projects. I had so much luck in my life after such a bad start, that I like to give as much as possible to others who are in need. Some good friends support my work and enable me to bring 100% of your donations to the places where they are needed.

Thank you for reading this and you can ask me everything about my work.

Happy to hear from you and if you want to be part of it please think about donating here.
See the actual Projects

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